# # G4SEE Single Event Effect simulation toolkit # ============================================ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 CERN for the benefit of the G4SEE Collaboration # # This file is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, # copied verbatim in the file "LICENSES/CC-BY-4.0.txt". # # In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it # by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 # # Author: Dávid Lucsányi (CERN) # ########################################## ### Example input macro file for G4SEE ### ########################################## /run/numberOfThreads 4 /run/printProgress 1000 /tracking/verbose 0 # use only for testing ############## ### Materials # define material NAME DENSITY ELEMENTS (name/ch.symbol, stoic.ratio,...) /SEE/material/addMaterial Si3N4 3.17 g/cm3 Si 3 N 4 # define mixture NAME DENSITY MATERIALS (name, ratio, name, ratio,...) /SEE/material/addMixture BEOLmix 3. g/cm3 G4_Cu 0.2 Si3N4 0.4 G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE 0.4 ### Geometry # BULK MATERIAL WIDTH unit THICK unit BIAS /SEE/geometry/Bulk G4_Si 5. um 1. um true # SV POSITION unit WIDTH unit THICK unit BIAS /SEE/geometry/SV 0 0 -200 nm 600 800 nm 600 nm true # BEOL MATERIAL WIDTH unit THICK unit BIAS NAME /SEE/geometry/BEOL/addLayer BEOLmix 5. um 1.6 um false BEOLlayer /SEE/geometry/BEOL/addLayer G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE 5. um 0.8 um false Oxide ############## ### Biasing /SEE/biasing/biasParticle proton /SEE/biasing/biasProcess protonInelastic /SEE/biasing/biasFactor 1000 ############## ### Physics /SEE/physics/addPhysics G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 # Default EM physics /SEE/physics/addPhysics G4HadronElasticPhysics # a hadron elastic physics module /SEE/physics/addPhysics G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT # a hadron inelastic physics module # Particle production range cuts /SEE/physics/setGammaCut 1 mm # only gamma /SEE/physics/setElectronCut 100 nm # only e- /SEE/physics/setPositronCut 100 nm # only e+ /SEE/physics/setHadronCut 1 nm # applicable to protons and all other hadrons /SEE/physics/listProcesses # list all physics processes ############## ### Initialize /run/initialize ############## ### Primaries (General Particle Source) /gps/particle proton /gps/ene/mono 10 MeV /gps/direction 0 0 -1 /gps/pos/centre 0 0 10 um /gps/pos/type Plane /gps/pos/shape Rectangle /gps/pos/halfx 1.5 um /gps/pos/halfy 1.5 um ############## ### Scoring /SEE/scoring/addScoring 0 Edep /SEE/scoring/setHistogram lin 0 eV 100 keV 100 /SEE/scoring/addScoring 1 Edep /SEE/scoring/setHistogram log 10 eV 1 MeV 100 /SEE/scoring/addScoring 0 Ekin proton /SEE/scoring/setHistogram log 1 keV 11 MeV 100 /SEE/scoring/addScoring 1 Ekin e- /SEE/scoring/setHistogram log 10 eV 100 keV 100 /SEE/scoring/addScoring 2 Ekin gamma /SEE/scoring/setHistogram log 1 keV 10 MeV 100 /SEE/scoring/dumpHistogramsAfter 5000 ############## ### Run /run/beamOn 20000