You're reading the docs of the development version! 
 For the latest release, please have a look at v1.0

Contribution Guidelines#

Reporting Bugs#

If you found a bug or any strange, unexpected behavior of the application or scripts, please create a GitLab issue in CERN GitLab repository (CERN account needed).

If you don’t have access to CERN GitLab, please post your issue on the G4SEE User Forum!

Feature requests#

Do you have a new idea? Missing an essential feature? Do you want to request a specific feature? If yes, please …

  • check existing GitLab issues, and create a new GitLab issue with your request (see above)

  • join related discussion or start a new one on the G4SEE User Forum

  • consider contributing to the code (see below)

Contributing to the code#

If you are interested to contribute to G4SEE, please contact us at g4see.toolkit at cern dot ch!

Coding style#

The .clang-format config file contains the G4SEE C++ coding style, all C++ source code in this repo should follow this coding style, which can be checked and enforced using the clang-format tool.

Dry-run (no files are being overwritten):

clang-format -style=file --dry-run -Werror -i {,src/}*.cc
clang-format -style=file --dry-run -Werror -i include/*.hh

C++ files are being overwritten:

clang-format -style=file -Werror -i {,src/}*.cc
clang-format -style=file -Werror -i include/*.hh

Python source code in this repo should follow the PEP8 coding style guide, which could be checked using the flake8 tool.

flake8 --config g4see-scripts/tests/.flake8 g4see-scripts/scripts/

Licenses and copyrights#

Please check the COPYRIGHT notice for important information about copyrights!

The G4SEE toolkit is compliant with the SPDX open standard for licensing and copyrights, and REUSE Specification v3.3 by the Free Software Foundation Europe.

Please use the REUSE toolkit ( to check compliance with the license and copyright standards:

python -m reuse lint

One should get such a summary by running the reuse lint tool:


* Bad licenses: 0
* Deprecated licenses: 0
* Licenses without file extension: 0
* Missing licenses: 0
* Unused licenses: 0
* Used licenses: CC0-1.0, GPL-3.0-or-later, CC-BY-4.0, LicenseRef-Geant4, CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
* Read errors: 0
* Files with copyright information: 199 / 199
* Files with license information: 199 / 199

Congratulations! Your project is compliant with version 3.3 of the REUSE Specification :-)

Git commit messages#

  • +ADD added new files and/or major feature

  • +CHG changes in features/classes/functions, new minor feature

  • +FIX fixed bug(s)

  • +REF refactoring

  • +DOC updated documentation

  • +DEL deleted files

Build Docker image locally#

To build Docker image locally in g4see/ repository:

docker build --build-arg G4TAG=11.2.2 \
             --build-arg MT=True \
             --build-arg N_CPU=4 \
             --tag g4see:devel .